A local Green Party chapter is your best tool for getting directly involved with the Illinois Green Party. If there is no local chapter in your area, consider starting one yourself! Our New Chapter Packet contains instructions on how to form a new chapter, along with a fillable one-page form that meets all the requirements for requesting formal affiliation with the ILGP. (For the form as a separate PDF, or other chapter-building materials, see the “Resources – For Chapters” subpage.)

If you receive no reply from a chapter contact listed on this site within five business days, please email secretary@ilgp.org and volunteer@ilgp.org to let us know which chapter you’re trying to contact.

ILGP Chapters

50th Ward Greens (Chicago)

Do you want to make a difference in your town and state government? Get involved with the 50th Ward Greens and help elect Green Party candidates so we can change how our local politics are run.


The next meeting of the 50th Ward Green Party will take place via teleconference Sunday Jan 19th at noon. Please contact me if you need the phone number and the access code.  Also, let me know if there is an issue or topic you would like to see added to the agenda.

George Milkowski gmilkowski@sbcglobal.net

50th Ward GP Chairperson

(773) 262-7026

Cook County Green Party (Chicago Area)

Do you want to make a difference in your town and state government? Get involved with the Cook Co Greens and help elect Green Party candidates so we can change how our local politics are run.

The next meeting of the membership of the Cook County Green Party will be held on January 19th, 2025 at 1:30pm at the Jefferson Park Library Branch, 5363 W. Lawrence Ave., Chicago, IL 60630

.  The meeting is open to all; members and non-members alike.

Meetin in person with online option – online link tba



Cook County Green Party

P.O. Box 377631
Chicago, IL 60637

DuPage County Green Party

Do you want to make a difference in your town and state government? Get involved with the DuPage Greens and help elect Green Party candidates so we can change how our local politics a

Next meeting: Sat, Jan. 4th, 10:30am at the Woodridge Library

Presently meeting in person with ZOOM option

Contact: Anna Schiefelbein – chair@ilgp.org


Lake County Green Party

Do you want to make a difference in your town and state government? Get involved with the Lake Co Greens and help elect Green Party candidates so we can change how our local politics are run.

The Lake Co Green Party is in the Process of Forming.

Contact: Ethan Windmillsky Ethan.Windmillsky@gmail.com


Peoria Area Green Party

Do you want to make a difference in your town and state government? Get involved with the Peoria Area Greens and help elect Green Party candidates so we can change how our local politics are run.

Meetings: Third Tuesday of Every Month at 7:00 PM

Presently meeting via ZOOM

Contact: Sheldon Schafer, sschafer7@gmail.com

Rock River Green Party

Do you want to make a difference in your town and state government? Get involved with the Rock River Greens and help elect Green Party candidates so we can change how our local politics are run.

The Rock River Green Party is in the Process of Forming.

Contact: Anna Schiefelbein volunteer@ilgp.org

Sangamo Valley Green Party (Springfield Area)

Do you want to make a difference in your town and state government? Get involved with the Sangamo Greens and help elect Green Party candidates so we can change how our local politics are run.

Meetings on the 4th Sunday of the Month at 2 PM

Due to high COVID numbers, we will be meeting via ZOOM.

ZOOM Info for the January 2022 Meeting can be dound here.

Contact: Chris Blankenhorn, chris@howiehawkins.us

Sign up for Updates from the Sangamo Greens

Shawnee Green Party (Carbondale & Southern Illinois)

The next meeting is Janary 25, 2025 at Confluence Books 705 W Main St. Ste100 Carbondale, IL

Contact: Josh Hellman email contact t.b.a

hawnee Greens and help elect Green Party candidates so we can change how our local politics are run.

Meetings: Fourth Tuesday of Every Month at 5:00 PM at Confuence Books

Presently meeting in person with ZOOM option

