About the Illinois Green Party
The Illinois Green Party (ILGP) is a diverse group of individuals dedicated to advancing the Greens’ Ten Key Values in our political and social lives. The ILGP is both a political party and a membership organiziation. The ILGP is affiliated with the Green Party of the United States and is part of the international Green movement. The Global Greens have affiliated Green parties in 72 countries around the world!
Key Documents
10 Key Values: These are 10 principles that guide and unite Greens from around the world.
The Green Party’s Ten Key Values:
- Grassroots Democracy
- Social Justice
- Ecological Wisdom
- Nonviolence
- Decentralization
- Community-Based Economics
- Feminism and Gender Equity
- Respect for Diversity
- Personal and Global Responsibility
- Future Focus and Sustainability
Platform: Our Platform is an expression of the 10 Key Values, translated into concrete analysis, positions on vital issues, and public policy recommendations.
Current Issues: In addition to its Platform, the ILGP takes positions on current issues–for example, pending legislative bills or the need for new laws.
Bylaws: This outlines the structure and membership for the ILGP.
Contact Us
Illinois Green Party
747 E Broughton Rd #227
Bolingbrrok, IL 60440