The Illinois Green Party (ILGP) is a diverse group of individuals dedicated to advancing the Greens’ Ten Key Values in our political and social lives. The ILGP is both a political party and a membership organiziation. The ILGP is affiliated with the Green Party of the United States and is part of the international Green movement. The Global Greens have affiliated Green parties in 72 countries around the world!
We understand why many people don’t want anything to do with politics: Our political system has become so corrupt and sickening that it turns off most voters. But that is due to the behavior of the two corporate parties. Decades of choosing between evils has led us to a place where we are facing numerous, interconnected crises. We need real solutions to the life and death issues we face! We need to build a people-powered alternative that is independent of the corporate parties and their corruption.
As the only established political party in Illinois that does not take corporate donations or dark-money PAC/501 contributions, we rely on membership dues to fund our operations.
Greens around the world are guided by the Ten Key Values, which lay a foundation upon which our policies are based.
- Grassroots Democracy
- Social Justice And Equal Opportunity
- Ecological Wisdom
- Non-Violence
- Decentralization
- Community-Based Economics
- Feminism And Gender Equity
- Respect For Diversity
- Personal And Global Responsibility
- Future Focus And Sustainability
The Green Party consistently stands up for the interests of working people, the poor and under-served, and the environment. Here are just a few examples:
- We recognize that the climate crisis and destruction of our ecosystem is a 911 emergency. That’s why the Green Party originated the Green New Deal, a proposed WWII-scale national mobilization to halt climate change and create millions of jobs by transitioning to 100% clean renewable energy by 2030, investing in public transit, sustainable (regenerative) agriculture, conservation and restoration of critical infrastructure, including ecosystems.
- We call for a publicly funded health care system, to provide comprehensive quality care for all. We demand free higher education and an end to student debt. We also answer the question of how to pay for these things – cut the military budget, tax wealth, not poverty, tax the polluters, and enact monetary reform.
- We have consistently opposed all U.S. wars without compromise, including the illegal occupations, illegal sanctions, drone strikes and other acts of war in the Middle East
and Africa.
- We recognize that the climate crisis and destruction of our ecosystem is a 911 emergency. That’s why the Green Party originated the Green New Deal, a proposed WWII-scale national mobilization to halt climate change and create millions of jobs by transitioning to 100% clean renewable energy by 2030, investing in public transit, sustainable (regenerative) agriculture, conservation and restoration of critical infrastructure, including ecosystems.
The Human Caused Global Warming Caused Mass Extinction Clock is Ticking!
Latest News
What’s NOT on Your Ballot?”
What's NOT on Your Ballot?" Commentary from Scott Summers, longtime Illinois Green and 2014 Green Gubernatorial Candidate. Aired on WNIJ-FM (NPR from Northern Illinois University). Listen at:...
Support Social Justice and Petition for the Greens!
Social Justice is one of the 10 Key Green Values and the Illinois Greens need YOUR help! As you may know, the Illinois Greens are in their Ballot Access Petitioning Season to be on the 2024 Illinois Ballot. The Illinois Green Party calls for a true government of, by...
Greens Take a Stand with #Ceasefire Movement
The Green Party has long stood in solidarity with the struggle for justice and liberation in Palestine. While the arrest of 2024 Green Party Presidential contender Jill Stein has been national news, Greens across the country (including in Illinois) have been joining...
ILGP Ballot Access Petition Drive Begins!
As a "New Party" in Illinois, the Illinois Green Party is barred from participating in the Illinois state-run primary election and, as such, Green candidates must petition for ballot access for the general election. This means that we, third party and independent...
Jill Stein Wins 2024 Illinois Green Party Presidential Selection Vote
The 2024 Illinois Green Party Presidential Selection Vote has come to a close and Jill Stein of Massachusetts has won with 84% of the vote, garnering 16 of the Illinois Green Party's 19 Delegates to the 2024 Green Party US Presidential Nominating Convention. The...
The Illinois Green Party’s Presidential Selection Vote is Underway!
The Illinois Green Party's Presidential Selection Vote is underway! ILGP members can cast a vote online until March 16! As a "new" party in Illinois, the Illinois Green Party is not allowed to participate in the state-sponsored primary election. As such, we have to...
Get Greens on the Ballot for MWRD!
Help the GREENS get on the Ballot! A Nov. 30th deadline is quickly approaches and we NEED some Boots on the Ground in Cook County! Sign-up to Help! Paid petitioning spots are available.
Chicago Sun Times LTE: Forget nuclear power. Focus on wind and solar energy to cut carbon pollution.
Mining, transporting, refining and disposing of spent fuel from nuclear plants produces huge amounts of carbon that goes into the air we breathe, a letter writer says. Chicago Sun Times October 25, 2024 by George Milkowski (50th Ward/Cook Co Green Party) I cannot...
Petitioning Underway for Toneal Jackson’s 2024 Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Race!
Petitioning is underway for the Green Party's Toneal Jackson in the 2024 Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD)! Covering most of Cook County and a few townships outside of Cook County, the MWRD is a sanitary district responsible for protecting Lake Michigan,...
Support the UAW Strike! (And How to in Illinois)
The Illinois Green Party encourages it's members to support the United Auto Workers in their current strike against the three major automakers; Ford, GM, and Stellantis. The Green Party has been a strong supporter of labor and unions for its entire existence. Our...
As the only established political party in Illinois that does not take corporate donations or dark-money PAC/501 contributions, we rely on membership dues to fund our operations.
Greens around the world are guided by the Ten Key Values, which lay a foundation upon which our policies are based.
- Grassroots Democracy
- Social Justice And Equal Opportunity
- Ecological Wisdom
- Non-Violence
- Decentralization
- Community-Based Economics
- Feminism And Gender Equity
- Respect For Diversity
- Personal And Global Responsibility
- Future Focus And Sustainability
The Green Party consistently stands up for the interests of working people, the poor and under-served, and the environment. Here are just a few examples:
- We recognize that the climate crisis and destruction of our ecosystem is a 911 emergency. That’s why the Green Party originated the Green New Deal, a proposed WWII-scale national mobilization to halt climate change and create millions of jobs by transitioning to 100% clean renewable energy by 2030, investing in public transit, sustainable (regenerative) agriculture, conservation and restoration of critical infrastructure, including ecosystems.
- We call for a publicly funded health care system, to provide comprehensive quality care for all. We demand free higher education and an end to student debt. We also answer the question of how to pay for these things – cut the military budget, tax wealth, not poverty, tax the polluters, and enact monetary reform.
- We have consistently opposed all U.S. wars without compromise, including the illegal occupations, illegal sanctions, drone strikes and other acts of war in the Middle East
and Africa.
- We recognize that the climate crisis and destruction of our ecosystem is a 911 emergency. That’s why the Green Party originated the Green New Deal, a proposed WWII-scale national mobilization to halt climate change and create millions of jobs by transitioning to 100% clean renewable energy by 2030, investing in public transit, sustainable (regenerative) agriculture, conservation and restoration of critical infrastructure, including ecosystems.
The Human Caused Global Warming Caused Mass Extinction Clock is Ticking!
Latest News
What’s NOT on Your Ballot?”
What's NOT on Your Ballot?" Commentary from Scott Summers, longtime Illinois Green and 2014 Green Gubernatorial Candidate. Aired on WNIJ-FM (NPR from Northern Illinois University). Listen at:...
Support Social Justice and Petition for the Greens!
Social Justice is one of the 10 Key Green Values and the Illinois Greens need YOUR help! As you may know, the Illinois Greens are in their Ballot Access Petitioning Season to be on the 2024 Illinois Ballot. The Illinois Green Party calls for a true government of, by...
Greens Take a Stand with #Ceasefire Movement
The Green Party has long stood in solidarity with the struggle for justice and liberation in Palestine. While the arrest of 2024 Green Party Presidential contender Jill Stein has been national news, Greens across the country (including in Illinois) have been joining...
ILGP Ballot Access Petition Drive Begins!
As a "New Party" in Illinois, the Illinois Green Party is barred from participating in the Illinois state-run primary election and, as such, Green candidates must petition for ballot access for the general election. This means that we, third party and independent...
Jill Stein Wins 2024 Illinois Green Party Presidential Selection Vote
The 2024 Illinois Green Party Presidential Selection Vote has come to a close and Jill Stein of Massachusetts has won with 84% of the vote, garnering 16 of the Illinois Green Party's 19 Delegates to the 2024 Green Party US Presidential Nominating Convention. The...
The Illinois Green Party’s Presidential Selection Vote is Underway!
The Illinois Green Party's Presidential Selection Vote is underway! ILGP members can cast a vote online until March 16! As a "new" party in Illinois, the Illinois Green Party is not allowed to participate in the state-sponsored primary election. As such, we have to...
Get Greens on the Ballot for MWRD!
Help the GREENS get on the Ballot! A Nov. 30th deadline is quickly approaches and we NEED some Boots on the Ground in Cook County! Sign-up to Help! Paid petitioning spots are available.
Chicago Sun Times LTE: Forget nuclear power. Focus on wind and solar energy to cut carbon pollution.
Mining, transporting, refining and disposing of spent fuel from nuclear plants produces huge amounts of carbon that goes into the air we breathe, a letter writer says. Chicago Sun Times October 25, 2024 by George Milkowski (50th Ward/Cook Co Green Party) I cannot...
Petitioning Underway for Toneal Jackson’s 2024 Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Race!
Petitioning is underway for the Green Party's Toneal Jackson in the 2024 Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD)! Covering most of Cook County and a few townships outside of Cook County, the MWRD is a sanitary district responsible for protecting Lake Michigan,...
Support the UAW Strike! (And How to in Illinois)
The Illinois Green Party encourages it's members to support the United Auto Workers in their current strike against the three major automakers; Ford, GM, and Stellantis. The Green Party has been a strong supporter of labor and unions for its entire existence. Our...