We have only 1 week left to collect the remainder of the 45,000 signatures of registered Illinois voters needed to get Green Party candidates Dr. Jill Stein for President, Scott Summers for US Senate and Tim Curtin for State Comptroller on the November Illinois ballot. The signature petitions must be delivered to the State Board of Elections on June 27th.
As of Wednesday we had only collected 25,000, so we really need to pull out all the stops to get the remaining 20,000.
Here’s one or more ways you can help:
1) Collect signatures
Go to our volunteer page. Please be sure to check “I can help collect signatures for Jill Stein”. Then go to the petitioning page to find the Team Leader nearest you, the petition, and other resources.
2) Volunteer for data entry
To survive a challenge we have to check the signatures against the voter rolls. To volunteer for data entry email me at nwade@greenpartychicago.org.
3) Donate
Support this effort and our ongoing work to elect Green Party candidates by going to our donation page.
#Jill2016 #ItsInOurHands
Nancy Wade
Illinois Ballot Access Coordinator Jill2016