“Tunnels cannot fully cope” — Green Party candidates call for rain-absorbing organic infrastructure.

CHICAGO — In a statement released Monday morning, Green Party candidates for the Board of Commissioners of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District blasted the current administration for its release of raw sewage and wastewater into Lake Michigan during the weekend’s heavy rains.

The release of sewage, the candidates claimed, demonstrates that “Cook County desperately needs to develop its water-absorbing green infrastructure, on a scale that the current all-Democrat board is unwilling to pursue. No amount of drilling, tunneling, or laying concrete can fully cope with the billions of gallons of water that arrive in a severe rainstorm.”

Candidates Chris Anthony, Karen Roothaan, and Tammie Vinson are all running as Green Party candidates for the MWRD Board of Commissioners on a unified platform that includes climate change readiness, green/organic infrastructure, and an end to the Board’s culture of nepotism and cronyism. All three candidates for the MWRD are currently involved in the ballot access petition drive, which will run through late November.

More information on the candidates and their platform is available at mwrd-ilgp.org. For questions or to get involved with the MWRD campaign, contact Illinois Green Party Secretary Geoffrey Cubbage at secretary@ilgp.org224-999-2423.