Peace is one of the core values of the Green Party and our anti-imperialist stance is one of the key positions that separates us from the two major parties. As we often do, the Illinois Green Party is proud to join other members of the US Peace Movement in adding our name to three open letters/petitions. All of these letters were brought to us through The United National Anti-War Coalition (UNAC), which the ILGP is a member organization.
While the Illinois Green Party has signed on as an organization, we urge our members to sign on as individuals as well!
U.S., OAS and UN: Hands Off Haiti!
This open letter demands that the Biden administration cease support for the Moise dictatorship in Haiti and condemn its unlawful retention of power.
Letter Supporting the Syrian People
This petition was partly motivated by a statement issued by a group of Syrian expatriates that drew support from some Leftists who evidently believe that the peace movement should take sides and oppose the Assad government in Syria – failing to recognize that the insurrectionists in Syria were overwhelmingly imported into the country and armed by the United States, Saudi Arabia and other allied powers. The petition reaffirms the peace movement’s principled stance opposing the occupation of Syrian territory, arming of insurrectionists, and imposition of sanctions against Syria.
No to U.S. Threats Against China
This petition demands an end to the U.S. government’s increasingly belligerent and aggressive stance toward China.