Green Party Presidential Candidate Howie Hawkins has won the 2020 Illinois Green Party Presidential Selection Vote!  From Syracuse, New York, Hawkins, a retired Teamster, is a founding member of the Green Party in the United States, having attended the first national meeting in 1984, and was the first person in the US to run on a “Green New Deal” in 2010.  Hawkins has ran for office many times in his life and his runs for governor in New York have maintained the Green Party of New York’s ballot line for over a decade.

Hawkins received 73% of the vote in the ILGP’s online vote, which took place from Saturday, February 29 through Saturday, March 14, 2020.

Hawkins has run a strong national campaign based around his Ecosocialist Green New Deal Budget, which revolves around two major policy pieces, the Economic Bill of Rights and the Green Economy Reconstruction Program. The Economic Bill of Rights will guarantee the rights to a living-wage job, an income above poverty, a decent home, comprehensive health care, a good public education from child care and preK through college, and a secure retirement.  The Green Economy Reconstruction Program will zero out greenhouse gas emissions and build a 100% clean renewable energy system by 2030. It will reconstruct all economic sectors for zero emissions, clean energy, and ecological sustainability—not only electric power production but also zero-waste manufacturing, regenerative agriculture, green buildings, and electrified transportation.  Hawkins’ campaign is committed to being on the ballot across the country and providing a real alternative to the capitalist parties policies of war, environmental destruction, economic inequality, and oppression.

To learn more about Howie’s campaign visit his website and follow him on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Dario Hunter, of California, came in second place having received 27% of the vote, with no other candidates receiving valid votes.  Hunter, a former Youngstown, OH Board of Education member is a lawyer and former educator.

To learn more about Dario’s Campaign visit his website and follow him on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

This vote serves as the ILGP’s presidential primary process, as we are not included in the state-run primaries and the results will be proportionally translated to delegates who will vote at the Green Party of the United States Presidential Nominating Convention, scheduled to take place in Detroit from July 9 through 12, 2020.  The results lead to a Presidential Nominating Delegate allotment of 20 delegates to Hawkins and 7 delegates to Hunter.