The Illinois Green Party is proud to support its candidates for local office — and right now, the Cook County Green Party is running a hard-hitting, issues-focused campaign against Chicago’s famously corrupt sanitary district Board of Commissioners.

Chicago is famous for its “machine” system: elected or appointed officials control massive, taxpayer-funded administrations full of jobs and contracts, which are handed out to keep supporters loyal come election time. Whether those jobs and contracts actually benefit the taxpayers, or address critical civic issues…that’s not really the machine’s concern.

Strong, activist, community-centered candidates like ours are a genuine threat to “business as usual” in Chicago. We know the political machine is going to throw everything it’s got at our Greens for MWRD campaign.

That’s why, from now through November 27th, the Illinois Green Party has pledged any new donations to the MWRD campaign. Can you help out with a $10, $25, $50, or $100 donation to support the campaign?

Funds will pay for the critical ballot access process, which is a set of strict legal and petitioning requirements that establishment parties use to keep independents and outsider challengers off the ballot.

It’s a lot of work on a tight deadline — and your support will help ensure that voters in Cook County have an option on their ballot that isn’t the long-standing Democratic Party establishment.

Please give what you can! We’re fighting for clean water — and for clean government.


Illinois Green Party

P.S. Want to help out, but can’t make a donation? Volunteer with the MWRD campaign instead!