Today the Green Party US nominated Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker as our presidential and vice presidential candidates!
Howie, a Green Party co-founder, retired teamster, and the first candidate to run on a Green New Deal in the US, in 2010, carried the Illinois primary in March with 73% of the vote, receiving 20 of the 27 IL Nominating Delegates at today’s Green Party US Presidential Nominating Convention. Angela Walker is a long time organizer and activist, mother and grandmother, and truck driver from South Carolina. She was the 2016 Socialist Party USA Vice Presidential Candidate. The campaign is pushing for a #LeftUnity ticket, having already received the endorsement of Socialist Party USA and Solidarity: a socialist, feminist, anti-racist organization.
We are excited for this brilliant and dynamic campaign to bring real solutions to the life and death issues of the climate crisis, spiraling econmic and racial inequality, and a new nuclear arms race accelerating towards destruction!
Donate, volunteer, and learn about the campaign’s Ecosocialist Green New Deal, their plans for community control of the police, a National Health Service, or their call for an Economic Bill of Rights at

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