The Illinois Green Party held its 2019 Fall Conference on Saturday, October 26, 2019 at the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana Illini Union in Urbana, IL.  While the morning was devoted to internal party business and strategy for the party moving into the 2020 petitioning and election cycle, the afternoon featured a short session by FairVote Illinois, a panel on “What is Ecosocialism?” and a panel on “The Need for an Anti-Imperialist Peace Movement.”  (Video Links Below)

Thanks to Prairie Green Karen Aram, you can view the afternoon workshops from our October 23 Fall Conference, on What Is Eco-Socialism? and The Need for an Anti-Imperialist Peace Movement on YouTube here.

Thanks to Prairie Green Karen Aram, you can view the afternoon workshops from our October 23 Fall Conference, on What Is Eco-Socialism? and The Need for an Anti-Imperialist Peace Movement on YouTube here.

The first panel includes presentations by Illinois Green Party Co-Chair Rich Whitney, Illinois Green Party Secretary Chris Blankenhorn (of the Young Ecosocialists), and Peter Sentz (computer science PhD student at UIUC, active with the Party for Socialism and Liberation, the UIUC graduate employees’ labor union, and the ANSWER coalition.

A second video of this panel can be found here.

The second panel includes presentations by one of the nation’s foremost experts on international law, Dr. Francis Boyle, joining Karen Aram (of the local peace group AWARE) and Kevin Zeese. Dr. Boyle had just recently returned from Georgia where he acted in support of the Kings Bay Plowshares 7, the Catholic peace activists recently convicted in Georgia for breaking into the Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base on April 4, 2018 in an act of civil resistance, charging the U.S. government with crimes against peace. His declaration in support of these activists appears here. Kevin Zeese  is a member of the Maryland Green Party, Green Party Peace Action, the co-director of Popular Resistanceand was one of the organizers of the Embassy Protection Collective in Washington, D.C.

A second video of this panel can be found here.

In the evening, following the Conference, the ILGP hosted a fundraiser with Kevin Zeese as the Keynote Speaker.  The proceeds of this fundraiser were split with the Embassy Defense Collective, the legal fund of the Embassy Protection Collective.

Video of Kevin’s remarks can be found here.