On March 24-25, the Illinois Green Party hosted its Spring Convention in Chicago, IL.
Membership Meetings are the highest voting authority within the Illinois Green Party for statewide decisions, superseding Executive or Coordinating Committee decisions. That makes conventions a critical opportunity to set the party’s directions, and to oversee the Bylaws and Platform of the Illinois Green Party.
Below is a summary of highlights from the two-day convention. Full minutes can be accessed here.
Bylaws Revisions
The Illinois Green Party Membership voted to approve the following changes to the Party’s governing Bylaws:
- – Membership Dues: The definition of an ILGP member shall now include the payment of dues. The website will be updated shortly with a new “Become a Member” page to process dues online.
- – Prohibition on Certain Funding Sources: While it was already institutional practice, the ILGP Bylaws now officially prohibit either the state party or its candidates from taking monetary contributions from for-profit corporate entities, 501(c)(4) organizations, or 501(c)(6) organizations.
- – Membership Steward: The Executive Committee of the ILGP has been restructured to consist of four Co-Chairs, a Membership Steward, a Treasurer, and a Secretary. (Formerly, the Committee consisted of a Chair, four Vice-Chairs, a Treasurer, and a Secretary)
- – Bylaws Amendment Procedures: Language was modified to give the Bylaws Committee authority to make minor edits for clarity to the Bylaws outside of Membership Meetings, and to require 10 days advance notice for all Bylaws changes proposed at Membership Meetings.
Featured Presentation: Troy LaRaviere
At the invitation of the Green Party of Chicago and the Illinois Green Party, candidate for Mayor of Chicago Troy LaRaviere addressed the membership and took questions from the audience.
Illinois Green Party Executive and Green Party of the United States Delegation Elections
A new Executive Committee for the Illinois Green Party was elected to new 1-year terms:
- – Co-Chair: Rich Whitney
- – Co-Chair: Ethan Winnett
- – Co-Chair: Chris Blankenhorn
- – Co-Chair: Brian Reardon
- – Membership Steward: AJ Reed
- – Treasurer: Caroline Williams
- – Secretary: Geoffrey Cubbage
The Illinois Green Party also elected its delegation to the Green Party of the United States for the coming year:
- – Chris Blankenhorn
- – Geoffrey Cubbage
- – Holly Scholz
- – Gini Lester
- – Aaron Goldberg
- – David Black
- – AJ Reed
- – Jack Ailey
Alternate delegates (to vote in the absence of delegates) were additionally elected:
- – Sheldon Schafer
- – Mary Jane (MJ) Oviatt
- – Rita Maniotis