We have less than 3 months (March 24th – June 22nd) to collect 50,000 signatures from registered Illinois voters. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we are taking legal action to seek relief from these petitioning requirements. In the meantime we are circulating the petition following social distancing guidelines.

You can go to the following webpage where you can do many things to help with the ballot petition campaign, but at least please click on the link to download the petition. Then, please follow the instructions on how to sign the petition, circulate it within your home, scan the petition or take a picture of the petition with your signatures, email it to us, and what to do going forward to eventually get the notarized original to us. Here’s that link.

Illinois Green Party Ballot Petition Drive

Also, check out these repeating events during the petition drive at ilgp.org/events:

  • – Petitioning Questions and Online Training – Saturdays at 3pm

This petitioning process is like no other. Stop on by the meeting via zoom on Saturdays at 3pm to go over any questions. We will also have online training.

  • – Ballot Access Coordination Meeting – Every other Tuesday at 7pm

Ballot access coordination, strategy, and updates.