Example of how a paper write-in ballot looks. Illinois voters can cast a write-in vote for people, planet, and peace in 2024!

As a registered write-in candidate, your vote for Jill will be counted, but how exactly do you cast a write-in vote?

General Rules:

      • Whether voting via mail-in ballot, electronic ballot, or paper ballot at the poll, Illinois voters can cast a write-in vote for Green Party Presidential and Vice Presidential nominees Jill Stein and Rudolph Ware!
      • In order for your write-in vote to be counted, the candidate must submit to each County Clerk, or election authority, a “Declaration of Intent to be a Write-in Candidate” (THIS HAS BEEN COMPLETED)
      • As each county administers its own elections, choosing their own equipment and certifying their own ballots, there may be slight differences from location to location. Contact your County Clerk or election authority to see a sample ballot.
          • Some local jurisdictions may have either one or two lines for presidential write-ins.
          • Paper ballots will only have one oval, even if there are two lines.
          • If there is only one line, writing in Jill Stein (only) will be construed by the election officials as including Ware for vice-president.  Do not write in “Jill Stein and Rudolph Ware.”  Write in “Jill Stein” (only).
      • A write-in for president (plus darkening the associated single oval on paper ballots) will be construed to include the vice-president. (In other words, there will be no corresponding oval for writing in a vice-president, even if there are two lines.)
      • Mail-in ballots are treated in the same fashion as paper ballots at the polls.
      • In determining the validity of a write-in vote, the spelling of the candidate’s name need not be exactly as long as the intent of the voter can be determined. There should be some relationship between the appearance or the sound of the name written in and that of the candidate’s actual name. In the case of a misspelled name, a majority of the judges must agree as to the intent of the voter and whether or not the write-in vote will be counted.


On a paper ballot:

  • Write the name of the write-in candidate on the line provided in a particular race.
  • If only one line, only write Jill Stein
  • Mark the corresponding oval
In single-vote races, no other votes can be cast in a race where a write-in vote was cast. 
On a touch screen:

  • Press the “write-in” box at the bottom of the list of candidates. A keyboard will appear.
  • Type a name using the letters on the keyboard and space key to separate the first and last name.
  • When finished, press “OK.” 

For more information:

(1) Contact your local election authority (county clerks, local boards of election) for a sample ballot specific to your own address. This may be done through the following link: https://elections.il.gov/Main/FAQ.aspx#Election Address-specific sample ballots often can be generated online.

(2) If you are voting early, ask your local election authority to show you its “List of Persons Who Filed a Declaration of Intent to Be a Write-In Candidate” for the area specific to your voting address. Some of these lists are available online through the websites of the various local clerks and boards. A blank sample form may be viewed at this link: https://www.elections.il.gov/agencyforms/LIST%20OF%20FORMS/P-1G.pdf.

Additionally, the completed lists are distributed to the election judges in each precinct in time for election day. Ask to inspect prior to casting a ballot.

(3) If you are uncertain as to how to mark a write-in, ask your local election authority (for early voting) or the election judges (on election day) for help. As you receive instructions, do not reveal the names of candidate(s) you intend to write in. Once you are satisfied with the explanations, then enter the voting booth and cast your ballot.

Information based on guidance from the Illinois Board of Elections and various Illinois County Clerks.

Illinois Voting Deadlines

September 26, 2024

  • Early Voting Begins
  • Mail-In Voting Begins

October 8, 2024

  • In-Person Voter Registration Ends

October 20, 2024

  • Online Voter Registration Ends

October 22, 2024

  • Absentee Ballot Deadline

October 31, 2024

  • Last Day to Mail Vote-By-Mail Ballots

November 4, 2024

  • Last Day for Early Voting

November 5, 2024

  • Election Day
  • Same Day Voter Registration at Polling Places
    • Need ID and Proof of Residency

Click Here to Learn More (elections.illinois.gov)