The publication “Nukewatch Quarterly” is offering a free one-year subscription to Green Party members and sympathizers. The Quarterly comes in both print and digital editions. Started in 1979, it deals with all things nuclear: nuclear power plants, nuclear weapons, nuclear disarmament, the continuing Fukashima disaster, nuclear waste disposal, transporting nuclear materials, health affects of radiation and so on. If you would like to try the one-year offer, send me your name and addresses (print and digital) and I will forward the information to NukeWatch. There is no request for a credit card so you will not be billed if, after the year, you don’t want to continue receiving it.
Also, like everyone today, they operate on a shoestring budget and if you would like to just subscribe, the cost is $25.00 per year. Go to: for more information.
George Milkowski
Cook County GP Secretary
P.S. You request will probably go to my spam so please put “Nukewatch” in the topic box.